
Asian Wave is a new podcast series from the Oriental Business and Innovation Center, OBIC of Budapest Business University in Hungary. The podcast features exciting, current issues about Eurasia from different perspectives. Always two invited experts will give us insight into hot, inspiring, provoking topics. 

~Asian Wave~ OBIC Podcast 3.

The topic of the second episode: Indonesia through the Eyes of a Former BBU Diplomat

The invited dialogue partners are:
- Zoltán Páldi - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary; University of Public Service
- Pál Koudela, PhD - Head of OBIC, Budapest Business University

The podcast is in Hungarian. English subtitles are available.

Tune into Asia!

The recommended movies and books mentioned in the podcast and more:

~Asian Wave~ OBIC Podcast 2.

The topic of the second episode: Bending with the Wind: Thailand in the 2020s

The invited dialogue partners are:
- Thapanee Tubnonghee - Chulalongkorn University & University of Glasgow
- Dávid Görömbölyi, PhD - Senior Lecturer, Budapest Business University; ex-Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Hungary in Bangkok

The podcast is in English. Hungarian subtitles are available.

Tune into Asia!

If you are interested in what diplomacy is like in practice, we recommend you Dávid Görömbölyi's podcast channel on "Practical Diplomacy", which is available at:

~Asian Wave~ OBIC Podcast 1.

The topic of the first episode: The Success of South Korea's Creative Industry: The Korean Wave and What Lies Behind It 

The invited dialogue partners are:
- Éva Judit Gajzágó, PhD - Associate Professor, Budapest Business University
- György Iván Neszmélyi, PhD - OBIC Head of Research, Budapest Business University

The podcast is in Hungarian. English subtitles are available.

Tune into Asia!

The sources mentioned in the podcast:

  • Gajzágó, É. J. (2021): K-Pop 4E - azaz a kreatív és kulturális ipari marketing-mix elemeinek bemutatása a dél-koreai popzenében (K-Popban) és filmsorozatoknál (K-drámáknál) használt marketing eszközök példáján keresztül. [K-Pop 4E - that is, the introduction of the elements of the creative and cultural industrial marketing mix through the example of marketing tools used in South Korean pop music (K-Pop) and series (K-dramas).] Multidiszciplináris kihívások, sokszínű válaszok - Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományi folyóirat, (1), pp. 108-134. [online] available: https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/mksv/article/view/5223
  • Gajzágó, É. J. - Shim, D. (2022): Hallyu in Hungary, Diffusion of the Korean culture in Hungary. [Unpublished manuscript.]