OBIC Book Series
For questions regarding submissions and other editorial matters, please email the Assistant Editors:
- Mrs. Marianna Kovács-Gergely at kovacs-gergely.marianna@uni-bge.hu, or
- Mrs. Helga Borsos-Váli at borsos-vali.helga@uni-bge.hu
Correspondence relating to editorial matters
including signed copyright forms, orders for single copies and changes of address,
or any technical issues should be sent to the following address:
Marianna Kovács-Gergely
Budapest Business University,
Oriental Business and
Innovation Center (OBIC)
Diosy Lajos utca 22-24
Phone: +36 1 467 7800 / ext. 398
Email: kovacs-gergely.marianna@uni-bge.hu
Published by the Budapest Business University, Oriental Business and Innovation Center (H-1165, Diósy Lajos Str. 22-24)
Responsible for publishing: Prof. Dr. Balázs Heidrich, Rector