Dialogues wih the Orient XI

Dialogues with the Orient
50 years of diplomatic relations
Hungary - Thailand 1973-2023
15th November 2023
The eleventh Dialogues with the Orient event will be held on 15th November 2023 by OBIC. This time, the event focuses on Thailand, and the three invited speakers - Thapanee Tubnonghee, Commercial Officer at the Royal Thai Embassy in Budapest, Máté Szakáli, Researcher at Eurasia Center, and János Kubassek, PhD, Director of the Hungarian Geographical Museum - will help us bring one of the world's most popular tourist destination closer to the audience.
Time: 15:30 - 17:30
15:30 Welcome Address
Dr. Pál KOUDELA- Head of the Oriental Business and Innovation Center
15:40 Connecting Cultures and Commerce: Exploring Thai-Hungarian Trade and Investment Relations
Thapanee TUBNONGHEE - Commercial Officer at the Royal Thai Embassy in Budapest
16:10 Regional Integration as a Context in Hungary-Thailand Relations: the EU through the Eyes of ASEAN
Máté SZAKÁLI - Researcher at Eurasia Center, John von Neumann University
16:35 Hungarian geographical travellers, explorers, and scientists in Thailand
János KUBASSEK, PhD - Director
of the Hungarian Geographical Musem
17:00 Traditional Thai Cultural Performance
cultural performance is organized with the support of the Royal Thai Embassy in Budapest