OBIC Book Series 1
Changing Trade and Investment Relations of the Taiwanese Economy
Editor: György Iván Neszmélyi
Published: November 24, 2022
Published by the Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences, Oriental Business and Innovation Center (H-1165, Diósy Lajos Str. 22-24)
DOI: 10.29180/9786156342393
ISBN 978-615-6342-62-1 (Print)
ISBN 978-615-6342-39-3 (Online)
ISSN 2939-712X (Online)
ISSN 3003-9487 (Print)
"In the present book of studies (...) the esteemed Reader can find eight studies being authored by professors and scholars from Hungary and Taiwan. The objective of the book is to broaden the readers' scope about Taiwan's economy including its relations with the most important partners and also to provide a perspective to the Taiwanese society including cultural aspects."