Dialogues with the Orient II.

Dialogues with the OrientHungarian-Chinese Diplomatic Relations- 70 years -
27th of February 2019
The second event of the Dialogues with the Orient series organized by the Oriental Business and Innovation Center (OBIC) will take place on 27 February 2019. This time the main theme will be the diplomatic relations between China and Hungary due to their 70th anniversary to be celebrated in 2019. During the event our three guest speakers - including Duan Jielong, ambassador of China to Hungary, Petra Ponevács-Pana, PhD from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Dániel Palotai from the Central Bank of Hungary - will provide important insights on the state of the relations. Furthermore, their presentations will be accompanied by fascinating Chinese cultural programs organized with the support of the Confucius Institute - Szeged.
Venue: BBS, Markó Street 29-31, Aula
Time: Starting from 14:00 until 16:00
Attendance is free of charge but registration is required HERE.
14:00 Dragon Dance
14:05 Rector's Welcome Speech, Prof. Balázs Heidrich, PhD
14:10 H.E. Ambassador Duan Jielong
70 years of Chinese-Hungarian Diplomatic Relations
14:25 Petra Ponevács-Pana, PhD - Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Hungarian-Chinese Foreign Economic and Investment Relations
14:40 Dániel Palotai - Executive Director, Central Bank of Hungary
Bridge between East and West
15:00 The solemn announcement of the BCT Exam Center
15:15 Chinese Cultural Programs
Stage: Chinese instrumental and vocal show
Aula: Chinese fine art exhibition (paintings, calligraphy)
15:45 Coffee and Tea