Dialogues wih the Orient III.

Dialogues with the OrientHungarian-Japanese Diplomatic Relations- 150 years -
2nd of April 2019
The third Dialogues with the Orient event organized by the Oriental Business and Innovation Center (OBIC) will take place on 2 April 2019. This time the main theme will be the diplomatic relations between Japan and Hungary due to their 150th anniversary to be celebrated in 2019. During the event our two guest speakers will provide important insights on the state of the relations and later, in the framework of the book launch of latest volume of OBIC's Book Series, the authors will participate in a round table discussion.
Time: Starting from 15:30 until 17:00
Attendance is free of charge but registration is required HERE.
15:30 Opening Zoltán SZABÓ, PhD - International Director of BBS
15:40 Yohei KUNIKANE - Head of Economic Department, Embassy of Japan in Hungary
Economic Relations of Japan and Hungary
16:00 Judit HIDASI, PhD - Professor Emerita
Japan's Attraction - by Dichotomies
16:20 Round table - Book Launch of the 6th Volume of OBIC Book Series
'Linked Together for 150 Years: Hungary and Japan
Analyses of Recent Economic and Social Trends in Japan and Their Effects on Hungary'
Participants: The Authors of the Book:
Judit Hidasi, PhD; Noriko Sato, PhD; Anna Székács, PhD; Zoltán Bassa; János Vándor, PhD
Moderator: Csaba Moldicz, PhD - Head of Research (OBIC)
17:00 Coffee and Tea